26 March 2011

as arbitrary enough, a rote decision

Hallo, are you there week No. nine?  It's me, Justin.

"Joanna Newsom is an attractive young lady, and also a talented harpist."

                                                          --M.R. McElfresh

here's to a merry birthday, for mike, an oldie from february 2008:

punctuate yr health!

papercuts, heartspark fire!
are recommended
two, in fact!  the first (february or the next hr.
w/ thrice!
its all here in the interview
rather on a
wed. night respite; all this catharsis!
& ruckus, aplomb
well-honed their defining still life
w/ scissors!
drowsing the pacific northwest (3rd ave.)
six cigarettes
in addition, hemlock & kcbs--
ev’rything merzed
warped for yr pleasure!
old italian ceiling w/ port authority
non-specific interjection!
vice versa
i’m a ppl. person!  headline & masthead

4 a.m.
for mike gillaspy

& skulking into spring break, here's two new pomes:

adscititious, nonpareil

ambitious as an advance atlas, no
an aubade;
somewhat campy, et al.
(susan sontag for the shambolic sunday)
lush, latent
pinecone champagne...
quirky, certainly -- fog in the bloodstream
sophisticated, stylish
the pink poignancy of flamingoes
cheerful, perhaps
"that's not writing; it's typing"
pfft, indulgent--
the whimsical dangerous
of light
the elegant pilfering of sincerity

* * *

the terrible accuracy of reminiscence (feedback nostalgia)

b-flat clarinet woods
a radio flyer around a tree, hemorrhaging
the chemistry 
of foghorns, & such is the gesture
i imagine
of office equiptment, swift—
a nervous breakdown 
w/ a smile:
it really must be up to attraction, afterall...
old books, philosophies
i worship 
the scissors more than
the pencil
& the answered prayers, para
-lyzed; someone 
shd really graph this abruptly 
son-of-a-bitch, w/ flags & pretty flowers—
i find it almost facetious
the concluding 
collapse, the pome's glaringly incurious 
characters & storyline

it isn't a sheer accident he went to the shapes 
& waded into the woodwork

* * *

oh, happy antiquing!  godspeed through the thrush.  gramercy, & thx. for reading.